Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cadaver - Necrosis (2004)

Many of you have heard this band's 1992 album ...In Pains, but I hadn't noticed much attention being directed to this, their rather great swansong. Excellent death/thrash, with a slight technical streak.

Mediafire (sorry, Raj)


  1. Lol @ Sorry RAJ, Nevermind, I already have this album :P Great one again, Death/thrash madness. and my download speed at night is awesome.

  2. Oh wait I always confuse between Cancer and Cadaver, James Murphy played in the former, Right? Either ways, Both bands are great. CFC is such a great song by Cancer dude.

  3. I tried Cancer once, but I fail to recall how much I liked it. Damn, that's another one I need to track down now :P

  4. Yeah, Murphy played in Cancer, albeit only for "Death Shall Rise".
